Currently the Directorate General of Islamic Education of the Ministry of Religion through the Directorate of Teachers and Education Personnel (GTK) Madrasas again offers Madrasah Teacher Scholarship Programs and Madrasah Supervisor Candidates. The purpose of the scholarship program is to improve the quality, competence and professionalism of Teachers and Education Personnel (Candidates for Madrasah Supervisors) within the Directorate General of Islamic Education
The Graduate Scholarship Program is government assistance provided to individuals who aim to be used for the sake of the continuity of the master's education taken for 4 semesters at universities in Indonesia both State Universities and Private College. In 2019 this is a new recruitment and the First Year of the 2019/2020 Academic Year period.
The Graduate Scholarship Program is government assistance provided to individuals who aim to be used for the sake of the continuity of the master's education taken for 4 semesters at universities in Indonesia both State Universities and Private College. In 2019 this is a new recruitment and the First Year of the 2019/2020 Academic Year period.
The Strata-2 Scholarship Program Components include:
The Strata-2 Scholarship Program Components include:
- The cost of education and implementation of the program consists of:
- program management;
- lectures and other academic activities;
- internal and external coordination.
- Living costs.
- Costs for learning resources.
- Prospective participants are:
- PNS Teachers, Non PNS Teachers, Permanent Teachers of Non PNS Foundations have at least served Madrasas for 2 years.
Permanent Teachers who are SK-kan by the Chair of the Foundation where they are assigned, with the relevant conditions after the study is willing to return to duty (at least 5 years) in the institution proven by a Stamped Statement. - Madrasah Supervisor candidates all levels are guided by the Ministry of Religion, have served as teachers for at least 8 years, for elements of the madrasah head who have served at least 4 years, are civil servants.
- S1 / D4 education from an accredited college.
- One of the following subjects: Islamic Education (Akidah-Akhlak, Alqur'an-Hadist, Jurisprudence, Islamic History and Culture), Mathematics Education, English Language Education, Arabic Language Education.
- Have a minimum GPA of 2.75 (4.00 scale) at the S1 / D4 education level.
- Having English and other foreign language skills is proven by a certificate.
- Having a Unique Number of Madrasah Educators and Education Personnel (NUPTK) or Educator and Education Personnel Numbers (NPK), registered in SIMPATIKA and prioritized already certified.
- Maximum age of 43 years, as of December 31, 2019.
Required Document:
Submit a written application to obtain the S2 Scholarship Program assistance to the Director General of Islamic Education at the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with the department of interest with the attachment of the following documents and uploaded when registering online:
How to Apply:
To register for Madrasah Teacher Masters Scholarships from GTK Madrasah, it can be done directly by contacting the organizers (PT) of the organizers with a deadline of up to July 26, 2019.
The selection process will be technically processed by the organizer of PT which will then be submitted to the Ministry of Religion. Selection will be divided into two, namely administrative and academic selection. The administrative selection process includes the authenticity of the form, the completeness and validity of all supporting documents. While for academic selection in the form of written tests include Academic Potential Tests, English Language and / or Arabic Language, and Interviews.
Submit a written application to obtain the S2 Scholarship Program assistance to the Director General of Islamic Education at the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with the department of interest with the attachment of the following documents and uploaded when registering online:
- Copy of diploma and legalized S1 / D4 transcripts.
- A copy of the first decree and the last decree of placement as a teacher (PNS).
- Copy of the latest SK Decree.
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Letter of recommendation from the Head of Madrasah / Chairperson of the Foundation where they are assigned stating that the study program to be taken is needed to strengthen the study program / department in the university.
- Letter of recommendation from the Chairperson of the Foundation for Non Civil Servant teachers stating that the concerned is active and has the status of a permanent teacher (minimum teaching for 2 consecutive years, and for prospective supervisors from the teacher element teaching a minimum of 8 years, if at least the principal has served for 4 years) at the Madrasah Task Force.
- A statement is permitted to study and reassigned to teaching after completing the Undergraduate Study Program.
- A copy of the valid National Identity Card (KTP).
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Copy of NPWP.
- Copy of Educator Certificate (for those who have passed certification).
- The statement letter is not currently receiving the assistance of a Strata-2 Learning Task Program from the Ministry of Religion or other Agency signed on the stamp.
- Application Letter for the Strata-2 Scholarship Program addressed to the Directorate General of Islamic Education cq the Director of Teachers and Education Personnel.
- Statement of ability to complete the study (maximum 4 semesters) on stamped paper, if the teacher does not complete the study according to the contract period, then the next semester funding is financed by the teacher concerned.
- A statement of ability to return all study fees to the state treasury on stamped paper, if the teacher does not complete the study.
How to Apply:
To register for Madrasah Teacher Masters Scholarships from GTK Madrasah, it can be done directly by contacting the organizers (PT) of the organizers with a deadline of up to July 26, 2019.
The selection process will be technically processed by the organizer of PT which will then be submitted to the Ministry of Religion. Selection will be divided into two, namely administrative and academic selection. The administrative selection process includes the authenticity of the form, the completeness and validity of all supporting documents. While for academic selection in the form of written tests include Academic Potential Tests, English Language and / or Arabic Language, and Interviews.
26 July 2019