Thursday, July 18, 2019

Tunas Indonesia Japan Scholarship Batch X 2019-2020, Indonesia

In connection with the end of the acceptance of the Tunas Indonesia Japan scholarship Batch IX 2019/2020, the Tunas Indonesia Japan Management will reopen the Candidates for Tunas Indonesia Japan Scholarship batch X 2019/2020.

The Administrative Requirements for Tunas Indonesia Japan scholarship recipients are as follows;
  • Status of students of high school / vocational / MA class X or XI.
  • Having academic achievement with an average score of at least 7.25 (the latest report card copy attachment).
  • Come from a poor family. (SKTM attachment).
  • Writing the Essay, "why I deserve to get a Tunas Indonesia Jepang scholarship" (1-2 pages of folio paper, handwriting).
  • Photos of the house in front of you and photos of the study room
  • Registration form

How to Apply:

For documents that must be collected, they are sent to the address of the branch office of Yogyakarta. Delivery no later than July 30, 2019 Postmark. Thus this letter was made hopefully useful for many parties.
Tunas Indonesia Jepang Cabang Yogya
Jl. Arimbi No. 94 RT/RW 18/17
Kampung Babadan Kelurahan Plumbon
Kecamatan Banguntapan Bantul

30 July 2019
