Sunday, July 19, 2020

Calling Young Change Makers in International Youth Foundation (IYF)’s “Our Future, Our Voices,” Virtual Summit 2020

In October 2020 IYF will host Our Future, Our Voices—a virtual summit by, for, and with young people. Committed to creating an inclusive platform, we are issuing an open call for applications from young changemakers ages 10 to 35.
Young people are leading the charge for change and creating a future for us all. IYF is committed to making Our Future, Our Voices an inclusive platform that amplifies diverse ideas and identities. That’s where you come in!
  • Do you have a story of social change to tell?
  • Can you share a model or strategy that has positive impact on a societal problem?
  • Can you teach other change makers a must-have skill?
If so, keep reading to learn how to apply to lead a session!

Summit Themes

Our Future, Our Voices will convene along three thematic tracks that align with clusters of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • People
    Ensure that all human beings can fulfill their potential and live with dignity, equality, and health.
  • Planet
    Protect the planet so it can support the needs of present and future generations.
  • Prosperity
    Build a prosperous, ethical, and sustainable economy that works for everyone--including the most vulnerable.

The Summit team will be in touch to share resource documents and, depending on the format of your session, will schedule coaching and/or training sessions to help you prepare your session. Storytellers and Strategists will be expected to prerecord their sessions no later than mid-September.

  • Whether you’re working in your school, local community, city, country, or the world – impacting 5 people or 500,000 – if you’re a young person creating positive change and you’re excited to share your experience with others, they want you to apply!
  • They are open to considering applications from people of all backgrounds and ages, but most selected speakers will be young people ages 10-35.
  • Youth from marginalized or underserved communities are strongly encouraged to apply.

How to Apply:

The application for session proposals can be completed online at:

IMPORTANT! Before you move on to the application questions, please be sure that:
  • You have read the full Call for Applications. This has additional details about the Summit that will be useful for your application.
  • You are ready to answer all of the questions and submit your application in one session. You will not be able to save an incomplete application and return to it later. If it helps, here is a downloadable document with all of the application questions so you can prepare offline.
  • You have collected the following contact and demographic information for yourself and up to two additional speakers for your session: full name, current location (city/town, country), email address, age as of 1 October 2020, gender identity, country of origin, race/ethnicity, education, and occupation If you have any questions about this application form, including requests for accessibility support, please email 

 09 August 2020

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