Thursday, January 10, 2019

UN Habitat Academy of Sustainable Urban Mobility (AoSUM) 2019, Brazil

Applications are invited for the UN Habitat Academy of Sustainable Urban Mobility (AoSUM) 2019. The academy provides a combination of classroom and web-based training linked with targeted study tours to La Paz, Bolivia and São Paolo, Brazil from May 6-10, 2019.

Successful applicants will be given a pre-training preparation before the weeklong workshop which includes study visits. On return, participants are expected to put their learning into practice – and will be further benefitting from established partnerships, capacity building and technical advice by the organizing partners. Continuous learning and sharing will be facilitated in the long-term through the AoSUM alumni network.

Program Objectives

The objectives of the program are:
  • Orient decision-makers to develop an alternative paradigm for urban mobility in their city – that seeks to improve accessibility by introducing more efficient, inclusive, safe and innovative public transport integrated with active mobility modes;
  • Facilitate exchange among decision-makers on best practices around sustainable urban mobility and land use integration;
  • Foster discussions among urban practitioners, experts and system providers on innovative mobility solutions;
  • Learn how to successfully embed innovative mobility solutions in mobility planning, policies & regulation;
  • Be introduced to sustainable funding mechanisms, including the applicability of public-private partnerships;
  • Build a knowledge base and partnership platform for continuous exchange on sustainable urban mobility.

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  • All costs of the stay in Latin America will be covered by the organizers;
  • Flight costs should be covered by participants (subject to discussion).
  • Open to decision-makers who wish to gain an advanced understanding of Sustainable and Innovative Urban Mobility Solutions;
  • You are eligible to apply only if you are a representative of a local, regional or national government, transport operator or transport authority.

How to Apply:

If interested, send an email to with a Letter of Interest addressing the following:
  • Name of your institution and mandate
  • Staff position and experience
  • What Urban Mobility Projects is your institution involved with?
  • Describe how you would benefit from AoSUM?

22 January 2019

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