The scholarship program is one form of corporate social care to the world of education by providing scholarships to students who have good academic achievement. As well as to find company cadres who have the potential to build careers and jointly develop the company.
- Students in all majors who are completing their sixth semester studies and will undergo VII semester study and are willing to graduate in semester VIII.
- Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 from 4.0 as evidenced by attaching the last transcript of the score.
- Actively participate in organizations, both on campus and off campus.
- Not receiving a scholarship from another company.
- Willing to follow the selection process and conditions for scholarship requirements.
- From PTN / PTS that have been determined / who have had previous cooperation.

How to Apply:
- Go to the website:
- Download “Form Pengajuan Beasiswa dan Surat Pernyataan”
- Send the registration form and statement letter that has been filled in and signed to with subject: Beasiswa_[fakultas]_[nama kampus]
- All participants who pass the file selection stage will be informed via email or can be checked on the website.
- For the next selection phase, it will be further discussed. Flow and Selection Process

Required Document:
(For those who have passed file selection)
For prospective scholarship recipients who have been declared to pass file selection and are called for psychological tests and interviews, other administration must be prepared, namely:
- File the Scholarship Submission Form and Statement (which is downloaded from the website) that has been filled and printed
- 1 color 4x4 pasfoto sheet
- Copy of Student Identity Card (KTM)
- Copy of Identity Card (KTP)
- Transcripts for the sixth semester that have been legalized
- Active certificate of organization / copy of organization activity certificate / copy of achievement certificate that is followed / owned
- Certificate from the campus (Rector) that is not currently receiving a scholarship from any party
For Scholarship Submission Form and Scholarship Statement,
Click HERE
Different from Each Region
13 May 2019
13 May 2019
23 May 2019
07 June 2019