Saturday, March 2, 2019

OWSD PhD Fellowships 2019 for Women Scientists from Science and Technology lagging Countries (Fully Funded)

The OWSD PhD Fellowship programme is administered with funds generously provided by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and is offered in partnership with host institutes throughout the developing world.

The general purpose of the fellowship programme is to contribute to the emergence of a new generation of women leaders in science and technology, and to promote their effective participation in the scientific and technological development of their countries.

The specific aims of the fellowship programme are:
  • To improve access to educational and training opportunities in science and technology for young and talented women graduates from STLCs.
  • To increase the scientific productivity and creativity of women scientists in STLCs.
  • To empower a new generation of talented women to assume a leadership role in science and technology.
  • To encourage women scientists to contribute to the sustainable development of their home countries.
  • To enable women scientist from the South to collaborate and network on a regional and international level.
Candidates can choose between two study schemes:
  • a full-time fellowship (maximum 4 years funding), where the research is undertaken entirely at a host institute in another developing country in the South
  • a sandwich fellowship, where the candidate must be a registered PhD student in her home country and undertakes part of her studies at a host institute in another developing country. The sandwich fellowship is awarded for a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 3 research visits at the host institute. The minimum duration of the first visit is 6 months. The total number of months spent at the host institute cannot exceed 20 months. The funding period cannot exceed 4 years.
    OWSD particularly encourages candidates to consider the sandwich option, which allows them to earn the PhD in their home country while accessing specialist researchers and equipment abroad, at the host institute.
The fellowship support is only provided while the student is on site, at the host institute.

The OWSD fellowship covers:
  • A monthly allowance to cover basic living expenses such as accommodation and meals while in the host country
  • A special allowance to attend international conferences during the period of the fellowship
  • A return ticket from the home country to the host institute for the agreed research period
  • Visa expenses
  • Annual medical insurance contribution
  • The opportunity to attend regional science communications workshops, on a competitive basis
  • Study fees (including tuition and registration fees) in agreement
  • with the chosen host institute which is also expected to contribute
The OWSD fellowship does not cover:
  • Bench fees and consumables
  • Support for language training, either before or during the fellowship programme
  • Support for shipment of research samples
  • Costs for personal computer or software purchase
  • Support for family members
  • Additional return tickets to the home country for personal reasons
  • Candidates must confirm that they intend to return to their home country as soon as possible after completion of the fellowship.
  • Eligible countries
The list of eligible countries is also available here.

Afghanistan Madagascar
Angola Malawi
Bangladesh Mali
Benin Mauritania
Bhutan Mongolia
Bolivia Mozambique
Burkina Faso Myanmar
Burundi Nepal
Cambodia Nicaragua
Cameroon Niger
Central African Rep. Palestine (West Bank and Gaza Strip)
Chad Paraguay
Comoros Rwanda
Congo Sao Tome and Principe
 Côte d’Ivoire Senegal
Dem Rep. Congo Sierra Leone
Djibouti Solomon Islands
El Salvador Somalia
Eritrea South Sudan
Ethiopia  Sri Lanka
Equatorial Guinea Sudan
Gambia Swaziland
Ghana Syrian Arab Republic
Guatemala Tajikistan
Guinea Tanzania
Guinea-Bissau Timor-Leste
Haiti Togo
Honduras Tuvalu
Kenya Uganda
Kiribati Vanuatu
Lao People’s Dem Rep. Yemen
Lesotho Zambia
Liberia Zimbabwe

  • Eligible scientific fields
    • Agricultural Sciences
    • Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
    • Biological Systems and Organisms
    • Chemical Sciences
    • Computing and Information Technology
    • Engineering Sciences
    • Mathematical Sciences
    • Medical and Health Sciences
    • Neurosciences
    • Physics
    • Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Eligible academic qualification
    The minimum qualification is an MSc degree in one of the above listed study fields.
  • Eligible host institutes
    • Host institutes must be located in a developing country in the South (not the candidate’s home country).
    • A list of recommended institutes is available here.
    • Other institutes, not included in the link above, will also be considered if they demonstrate appropriate resources and expertise.
    • Candidates should identify a host institute outside their home
    • country. They can identify a further two host institutes if desired.
    • Candidates who are already on site in the host country will not usually be considered eligible.
Required Document:
We strongly encourage eligible applicants to start gathering all requested documentation as soon as possible; sometimes it takes weeks to receive all relevant letters.
  • PhD research proposal outline
    • Candidates must submit a PhD research proposal outline (max 2.000 words) which should be a summarized description of the PhD research proposal.
    • Guidelines for writing a good research proposal outline are available here.
    • Candidates are invited to study carefully these guidelines and ensure that their proposal is well structured and clear. The project proposal is given particular attention at selection.
  • Degree certificates and transcripts
    Candidates must submit copies of:
    • all university degree certificates; and
    • all university-issued transcripts, indicating all courses and grades.
  • Curriculum Vitae
    • Candidates must submit their complete CV (including a list of publications, if available).
  • Preliminary acceptance letter
    • Candidates must submit a preliminary acceptance letter from at least one host institute.
    • The letter must be signed by the head of department or by the postgraduate studies coordinator.
    • The study starting date on the preliminary acceptance letter must be the year following the application (e.g. if you apply for a fellowship in 2018 the acceptance letter should indicate the starting date as 2019).
    • The sample available here must be used for the preparation of this document.
  • Letter of commitment
    • Candidates must submit a letter of commitment from the prospective host supervisor confirming that the host institute has the resources (e.g. bench fees, laboratory equipment) required to undertake the project.
    • The letter should also describe why the host institute is appropriate for the subject of study and confirm the supervisor’s interest in working with the candidate.
    • Guidelines for letter drafting are available here.
  • Reference letters
    • Candidates must submit two reference letters from senior scientists familiar with their work.
    • Guidelines for reference letter drafting are available here.
    • For SANDWICH candidates only: please note that the home PhD supervisor cannot be one of the two referees.
  • Passport
    • Candidates must submit a scanned copy of the passport page, which contains personal details (photo, document number etc.).
    • Candidates applying for a SANDWICH study scheme must, in addition, submit also the following documents:
  • Registration and No objection certificate
    • Sandwich candidates must submit the Registration and No objection certificate prepared by the home institute confirming that the candidate is a PhD registered student and that there is no objection to her studying at the chosen host institute abroad.
    • The certificate template can be downloaded here and must be completed and signed by the head/director of the home institute.
  • 9. Supporting statement from home supervisor
    • Sandwich
      candidates must submit a supporting statement, prepared and signed by the home supervisor on letter-headed paper. The supervisor should:
      • state that he/she is willing to support the candidate undertaking part of her studies at the host institute abroad; and
      • describe how the research visit abroad will impact/benefit the candidate’s research project.

How to Apply:
Please visit HERE for applying 

30 May 2019


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