Friday, January 18, 2019

Afresist Youth Leadership Program 2019 in Kenya (Fully Funded)

The Afresist Youth Leadership Program (AYLP) was created by activists of Afrika Youth Movement (AYM) and is rooted in the belief that African youth can be everyday pan-Africanists, everyday leaders, everyday activists.

AYM is Africa’s largest youth-led Pan-African movement that strives for the participation, development, and leadership of African youth to achieve their rights to peace, equality and social justice. Drawing on the experiences of AYM organizers, members and hub leaders, AYM identified a need to train, build capacity of, support and coach young people in a Pan-African space of solidarity and resilience. While various leadership programs targeting African youth do exist, most times there is either little or no focus on African knowledge, philosophy and models. This is disempowering for African youth because it creates the perception that African youth and Africans in general must look outside of Africa for best practice models.

Consequently, AYLP is a step towards addressing this gap by supporting, empowering, nurturing and creating Pan-African spaces for African youth. AYLP focuses on three key modules, each rooted in self-disciple and action: Pan-Africanism, Leadership and Non-Violence.

The Afresist Youth Leadership Programme is more than a training programme – it is a philosophy, a new model that is in harmony with the Africa We Want. It is designed and directed by Africans for Africans. As Africans, we have always been participants in programmes directed by others, but it is time for us to produce our philosophy of leadership driven by African and feminist wisdom and values. These will be the vehicles driving Africa we dream of that has eluded us for generations. We need to think outside the box and develop new successful leadership models and decolonize conceptions that feed into current western centred leadership programs.

AYLP, therefore, aims to shift the conversation about youth leadership from Western models of peaceful free and fair elections as indicators of democracy to everyday active citizenship. The leadership program is designed to support and train youth who are interested in activism as well as those who are discovering their place and role in society.

It targets youth from diverse backgrounds across Africa, including rural and urban. It aims at training youth to draw from their environment, history and indigenous wisdom systems to create social change that embraces inclusion and diversity.

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The program covers:
  • Full and partial scholarships will be provided to selected applicants.
  • Full scholarship includes travel, accommodation and program registration.
  • Partial scholarship includes accommodation and program registration.
  • Program materials which include African movies, literature, art, case studies
  • Certificate of becoming an “Afresist Leader” after completion of the full program

  • Africans residing in Africa
  • 18-25 years old at the time of submitting the application
  • Have good proficiency in English
  • Have a genuine interest in personal growth and self-empowerment
  • Be aspiring or young leaders in their communities 
  • Eligible Regions: African Countries 

How to Apply:
Please visit HERE for applying

11 February 2019

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