Thursday, July 9, 2020

BAZNAS Online Mentoring Session - Study Abroad and Scholarship

In a shared spirit against coronavirus, let's study and move together. Hopefully after this pandemic ends, you can immediately run back to pursue dreams with the knowledge that we will learn later.

Exclusive | One-on-one consultation for selected mentees When? July 25-26 2020, 1PM - 3PM WIB via Google Meet. 

1 class will be held by 1 mentor which is maximum followed by 10 mentees. Classes will be held Saturday and Sunday. 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. WIB Especially for S3, the time may change according to the availability of mentors (related to time differences). One-on-one consultation is carried out in accordance with the agreement of the mentor and mentee, not later than D + 7 from the last day of mentoring.

The material will be discussed, as follows:
  • How to get LoA?
  • How to get a scholarship?
  • Make a CV and Personal Statement (mentor feedback for each mentee)
  • One-on-one consultation for selected mentees
  • Tips & Tricks
  • An exciting chat bonus about life abroad

How to Apply:
Please Apply HERE


  • Make Donation
    • Donations can be transferred to the BNI Syariah 0812556782 Account and Ms. Vita Arumsari MINIMAL of Rp 100,000. Please end the transfer nominal ending with the number 8 in the last digit. Example: Transfer IDR 500,008 or IDR 200,008
    • Confirmation of payment can be done at +62 822 2012 4059 by sending proof of payment. The committee will confirm a maximum of 1x24 hours.
  • Where the donation going>
    • All registration fees that we receive will be distributed in the corona impact management programs by BAZNAS. 100% of the funds collected will be donated to the BAZNAS program related to Corona prevention.
    • Confirm to:
    • Vita -


23 July 2020


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