Tuesday, June 25, 2019

[Bachelor Degree] The Perintis Schoalrship 2019 (For Indonesian), Indonesia

For you high school / equivalent students who are still hesitant, hesitant, or even confused to continue their higher education. The Perintis Scholarship again comes to accompany the struggle with opportunities that are still wide open. The 2019 Perintis Scholarship is a mentoring scholarship entered into the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and mentoring reaches Bidikmisi or other scholarships for 12th grade students of SMA / SMK / equivalent in the West Java region.
Information on the 2019 Perintis Scholarship

Joint us on whatsapp, telegram, LINE

  • Get accommodation costs in Bandung (registration, re-registration, etc.)
  • Mentoring to get Bidikmisi or other scholarships
  • Future Life Plan Workshop by University Consultants
  • Top Up Bidikmisi scholarships worth IDR 500,000 per month and coaching (for those who pass further selection).


  • Is a 12th grade student of high school / vocational / equivalent (or alumni who can still attend SBMPTN / SM-ITB in 2019) in the West Java region.
  • Muslim.
  • Registered as a prospective recipient of Bidikmisi (proven by Bidikmisi Participant Card) or not registered, but potentially accepted by Bidikmisi.
  • Already has a UTBK value.
  • Committed to attend the SBMPTN process until completion (the registration process is carried out independently).

Bidikmisi Requirement:

  • Maximum age 21 years (when registering).
  • Not able to economically with the following criteria:
    • a. Is the holder of the Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) OR
    • b. The combined gross income of parents / guardians (husband and wife) is a maximum of Rp. 4,000,000, - per month and / or combined parents / guardian gross income divided by the maximum number of family members of Rp. 750,000 per month.
  • Education of parents / guardians as high as S1 / D4.

How to Apply:

To register for the Perintis Scholarship, participants can fill out the registration form online at the following link: bit.ly/daftarperintis2019. Deadline for registration until July 11, 2019.

The acceptance of SBMPTN and SMB ITB students is still done normally, there are no exceptions (special pathways) for Perintis Scholarship applicants. The deadline for registration for the SBMPTN remains the same, June 24, 2019.

Further information can be accessed through contact
089503732833 (SMS/WA) or click http://bit.ly/tanyawahusnul
ID Line: husnulhayati
085720111753 (SMS/WA) atau click http://bit.ly/tanyawaagis
ID Line: agisnurholis15
11 July 2019